Monterosso Del Mercurio
born 2016-07-01
breeder Ingrid Bylund, Italy
owners Inger Lundström and Monica Lindsjö

2017 Putte won 7 CCs as a junior under 7 different judges.

At the Swedish Norfolk Terrier Club Show 13.5.2018, "Putte" was 4th Best male under breed specialist Lesley Crawley, kennel Ragus, England

Swedish Champion
Two years old Putte gained his 8:th CC and got his Swedish Champion title. (You can´t get the title earlier in Sweden).
Handler: Veronica Wolfsberg
Montemerlo Del Mercurio
Litter brother to Putte.
Owners Monica Lindsjö and Inger Lundström

2017 Gobi won 7 CCs as a junior under 6 different judges.
He was second for Best male 2017 and third in the competition for the Norfolk of the Year.
Swedish Champion
Two years old Gobi gained his 8:th CC and got his Swedish Champion title.

At this picture Gobi is winning BOB and CACIB at the International Show in Sundsvall 7.10.2018
Handler: Monica Lindsjö