At the Swedish Norfolk Terrier Club´s 40th Anniversary Show in Medevi Brunn, 30.05.2014, Leo won
BIS-Veteran, under judge Liz Cartledge, England.

Photo: Kia Thorell
"10yrs b/t, fit strong body, well coated & conditioned, keen and interested & clearly hasn´t lost his zest for the showring, composed showman, well proportioned, handled to advantage, good neckline & topline".
(Excellent & Certificate quality)

This Norfolk Terrier sculpture is a genuine Patsi Ann. It was donated as a challenge trophy to the
BIS-Veteran at the Swedish Norfolk Terrier Club´s annual show by Bittan Andersson Frindberg,
Wamba´s Norfolks. We are happy to have it in our house now.
At the Swedish Norfolk Terrier Club Show in Gränna 26th August 2012 Leo became BEST VETERAN
DOG under judge Nan Chadwick, England.

Photo: Severinsson
"Black and tan 8 1/2. Exceptional condition for his age. Very alert. Super expression. Nice level topline retained on the move. Presented in beautiful coat."